Monday 27 October 2008

Where Is Home?

This is my home. Not Stevenage. Not Brighton just yet. But, 100 miles makes a station feel more like it. Feeling temporal about everything isn't bad, Paul enjoyed it tremendously. But, as good as being back in my house was, and seeing my family, it doesn't feel the same. It's odd. Being in Stevenage felt a little bit like seeing an ex-girlfriend, in a weird, antrhopomorphic, only slightly weird way. However, I appreciated the comfort of a shower that works nicely, and a house without 11 other teenagers. That was cool.

After getting an impressive amount of hair cut off, seeing Tom, seeing Tim, I got home, caught up with my parents and Miss Urso, and then my brooo! I think I missed him the most, he's an absolute legend. We went to his house in the beauty (?) that is Bedwell, then off around in Hitchin, from bar to bar (Bombara, Bar Absolute, Some Place I've Forgotten The Name Of), having good times! If slightly overdressed times. The one thing about Brighton is spending enough time going out at night there desensitises you to what people think is really weird. Waistocasts, slightly lesbian hair... yeah, it's nothing. Until Hitchin gets a 50s night, a pyjama party and a bus where lemons are valid currency, they got nothing.
Anyway, in terms of insightful blog post... little else to say. I have a whole load of pictures that tell the story better. It was 29 hours, but 29 hours of fun. Kinda wish I got to see more people, but I was looking forward to getting back. Lots of reading on the train back, The Market Inn in Brighton for drinks with dudes, Roast Ox crisps, an extra hour in bed, a fun day at CCK, lunch at Devil's Dyke, lectures today, presentation on Wednesday... busy busy busy.

I'll keep you posted, but until then... a picture's worth 1000 words. So here's a few thousand words:

(Top to Bottom: A. Brothers In Arms/Hair/The Mirror. B. etulosbA raB. Or something. C. Goodbye Hair! D. Train Journeys + Yugoslav National Self Determination = A Rollicking Good Time! E. ROAST OX! The Crisps of Men. F. Library Square.)

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