Thursday 6 November 2008

What A Week (I Know It's Only Thursday).


The President-elect is Barack Obama. Anyone surprised?

I'm sorry Mum. I stayed up till 4am on Tuesday night. The plan was, go to East Slope bar till about maybe 1. But then, they still hadn't called Ohio, and Ohio was my state to watch. So I stayed up for Ohio, which was called officially at about 3, and by then, Obama was on 207, so I thought I''d stay up till I knew for sure. In my defence: (a) I'm an IR student, I'm excused; (b) it's a historic moment, my sleep can wait!; (c) I got up juuuust fine for my 11am seminar the next day, so it's was all good.

Really exciting though! Kinda. Halfway through the day, I did remember the whole abortion issue. Now, 6 months ago, I was sufficiently liberal to (to my shame) be pro-legalised-abortion, on the grounds that it is one of those things that sadly will always be in demand, and by forcing it back into backalleys, the health risks are far, far, far more severe. But, lately, no, I disagree. Or, it should be limited to extreme cases. It is the ending of life - not just life-potential - thus, I can't morally accept it. So, it was a bittersweet victory. I'm glad the Republican dynasty out, and it isn't a single-issue election, and I genuinely believe Obama is more God-honouring in welfare than McCain - the call in Micah to shut up singing worship songs and serve the poor rings very true - "and what does the Lord require from you? To act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God". That is not a Democrat/Republican thing, it's not contingent on whether you're a progressive or conservative, it is God's command to all. So, do it.

The other reason I'm hesitant: the hype. Don't get me wrong, I've been following this daily for near on a year now, I've been excited for this for as much as anyone. BUT Obama is a politician. He is not the messiah. I'm cautious to get caught up wholly in the idea of "change". Until Jesus comes, we will have imperfect politics, imperfect power, imperfect states and imperfect leaders. Maybe Obama will be an agent of peace, maybe he will stabilise and stop the war in Iraq, maybe he will diffuse the Iranian situation mounting, maybe he will fix the economy, maybe he will cut carbon emissions drastically, maybe he will help aid peace in the Middle East, maybe he can change Russia. He will still be a flawed man. Obamamania is revealing: people want salvation, people want atonement for economic and political sins, people want change, people want righteousness, and they believe it's in Obama (just as we did for Blair in 97, I am told?). Shows the nature of the human heart is an awareness of the need of salvation.

Aaaaaanyway. The rest of my week. The night after that was bonfire night, so I had the weirdest night ever in Lewes. It's basically pyromaniacs heaven, there's a missive bonfire, loads of processions through the high street with people holding.. well, lots of fire. Everything's on fire. Flares being set off. One procession was burning crosses, which, in fairness was meant to be an anti-Papal sentiment, sure (apparently Lewes was a massive place for the Reformation), but seemed a little too KKK for comfort. Besides, that always confused me: surely the cross is just as, if not more, of an important symbol for Protestants than for Catholics??? Oh well.

Aside from that, it's getting into the nitty gritty. Can't believe it's the end of Week 5 already. Essays are being planned and read for. Lots of reading. But also lots of worship leading. I led at CU on Monday, CU prayer meeting the last few Wednesdays and at small group tonight. I've lead more frequently since I've got here than when I left, which is awesome! God's giving me grace and the ability to lead a few times a week, whereas I used to find it stressy leading 2 weeks in a row. It all comes down to knowing Him more I guess. Small group is brilliant - I'm amazed at the way God's set me up around such good godly dudes, who are such fun but also challenging. Good stuff is to come!!!

Anyway, bed beckons.

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