Monday 9 February 2009

Back to the Stone Age

There are 3 things certain in life: death, taxes, and computers breaking. (That picture above is not my laptop, but it does look epic. I'd be proud if it was).
Not sure how, but my screen got cracked, which rendered it all somewhat unusable. So, while the insurance people are dealing with it, I'm in Arts C computer cluster typing away, feeling very very old school.
[Parents: Hello. Sorry. Don't worry. Really. DON'T WORRY. It's insured. the premium on the insurance is small. It won't take too long to fix. I can still get your e-mails. I can still do my work. I don't have deadlines this term anyway, and it should be back soon. But even if I did need to work lots on it, there is plenty of room in public computer rooms. So don't worry. Really. you don't have to worry.]
This laptop death (in that, it has gone somewhere I'm not entirely sure where is or what looks like, but is in actuality only an intermediatory state before all my house's longing is satisfied with its fully restored ressurection/glorification body after proper evaluation from an "expert") has, however given me some unexpected benefits. Here are 3:
1. Temporal benefits. Wow. It was insane how much time I wasted doing literally nothing on my laptop. Now I don;'t have it, I've got my reading done well in advance and have more time to mull things over, and be better prepared for classes. ~I nowe have more time for extra-curricular reading, which, ironically, has given me a whole load more to blog about.
2. Social benefits. Not that I was anti-social. But being laptop-less has got me to hang out, go for more coffees, more drinks with people, than I did before. Which is a lot more fun than Facebook chat (OMG LOL) was anyway. Score.
3. Focused benefits. Now, when I do make it into a computer room, I actually go with purpose and actually, get more done. I'm far, far more on task when I have to be.
That said, I can't wait to get it back. I miss the liberty brought with it, I miss my music collection, and I miss the fact that when I take notes, I could read them afterwards. But turns out that there was life before laptops...

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